Billetspin Triskelion Information Post (UPDATED)

The Triskelion is the first truly stemless top from Billetspin, and as such each top is a little piece of Billetspin history. There have been other stemless tops from Billetspin in the past, however they were stemless versions of standard tops. The Triskelion is the first native stemless in the Billetspin family.

Billetspin Triskelion banner

The triskelion is the 37th overall top from Billetspin and was first released on the 6th of January 2017. This top is being released throughout 2017 as Rich from Billetspin plays with different material combinations between other endeavours.

Next Triskelion Release

It is not currently known if or when the next Triskelion release will be.

Billetspin Triskelion 10


Diameter: 1.48 inches (37.5mm)
Height: 3/8 inches (9.5mm)
Bearing: 1/8 (3.1mm) inch carbide ball
Weight: Varies by combination
Price: Varies by combination (see below)
Spin Time: 10-15 mins, this varies greatly based on user technique with a stemless top.

Billetspin Triskelion Combinations

In reverse chronological order, here are all of the Triskelions released to date.
Materials are listed outer collar/ inner disk/ inner ring.

Click for full sizeCombination: 1: Ti / Br / Ti ($175)
2: Zirc / Cu / Zirc ($175)
3: SS / Br / SS ($150)
4: Ti / Cu / Ti ($175)
Date: 2nd November 2017
Quantity: 1 of each
Notes: All four were released on the same day, and sold via a sign up sale on the billetspin facebook group. They were part of a forced patina project by Sue.
Click for full sizeCombination: Br/Cu/Br
Price: $150
Date: 12th September 2017
Quantity: Not Yet Known
Weight: Not Yet Known
Notes: This is one of the last two standard triskelion cominations. The Br/Cu/Br, and the SS/Blasted Br/SS are both released on the same day at the same time. they will be the last of the standard triskelion combinations to be released, followed only by Zirc/Timascus/Zirc
Click for full sizeCombination: Br/Cu/Br
Price: $150
Date: 12th September 2017
Quantity: Not Yet Known
Weight: Not Yet Known
Notes: This is one of the last two standard triskelion cominations. The Br/Cu/Br, and the SS/Blasted Br/SS are both released on the same day at the same time. they will be the last of the standard triskelion combinations to be released, followed only by Zirc/Timascus/Zirc
Click for full sizeCombination: Zirc/Timascus/Zirc
Price: Not Yet Known (likely around $250)
Date: Not Yet Known
Quantity: Not Yet Known
Weight: Not Yet Known
Notes: This combination has been confirmed following the rumours (see below this chart) in a live video. One was given as a prize to Fred "Captain Badass" Dakake, for a Loki trick shot video. It will recieve a full release later in the year
This will be the last triskelion to be made, and will be released later on in 2017.
Click for full sizeCombination: Anodised Titanium/Spiro Damascus/Anodised Titanium
Price: $250
Date: 08/11/17
Quantity: Unknown (likely more than 50)
Weight: 40g
Notes: This is the first use of electronic anodisation for a mainstream billetspin product. The anodisation means that the metal is irridescent and changes from a blue to a purple colour when exposed to different light. This is apparent on both the outer and innermost disks.
Click for full sizeCombination: Copper/Flamed Mokume/Copper
Price: $220
Date: 08/02/17
Quantity: Just over 50
Weight: 54g
Notes: This one comes as the start of a new wave of Triskelions being made after the mammoth release of the Matrix. there hasnt been one in nearly 3 months, so its good to see the famous coins back. Flamed Mokume is a fairly new material option for Billetspin.
Click for full sizeCombination: Zirc/Twist Damascus/SS
Price: $250
Date: 04/27/17
Quantity: 20 Clockwise, 20 Anti-Clockwise
Notes: This combination is the first double exotic triskelion to be offered due to its zirc outer ring. There was a long wait for this one as the release of the Matrix was in full flow between the SS/CU/SS and this combination. It was released in standard sale format on the Billetspin website at the same time as Matrix no. 5.
Click for full sizeCombination: SS/CU/SS
Price: $150
Date: 02/28/17
Quantity: unknown (Billetspin try to keep their numbers quiet)
Notes: This was the second standard material combination to be offered.
Click for full sizeCombination: SS/SS/SS
Price: $150
Date: 02/07/17
Quantity: unknown (Billetspin try to keep their numbers quiet)
Notes: The all stainless steel model was the first Triskelion to receive a standard website release, and was also the cheapest as it is the first not to have any exotic materials involved.
Click for full sizeCombination: SS/Timascus
Price: $1,320
Date: 02/01/17
Quantity: 5
Notes: This was a “Good Cause Auction” for one of the five made. The other four were sent to the family of a friend of Rich’s who serves in the US military. The proceeds went to the Wounded Warriors charity. This was a different design as it had an asymmetrical cross, as well as stars on the outside edge.
Click for full sizeCombination: Zirc/Spiro Damascus/SS
Price: $375
Date: 01/30/17
Quantity: 1
Notes: This release was a flash auction on the Billetspin Facebook page. It was posted, won and then quickly deleted.
Click for full sizeCombination: SS/2 colour Mokume/Moon Glow
Price: $220
Date: 01/18/17
Quantity: unknown (Billetspin try to keep their numbers quiet)
Notes: These were released on the Billetspin website, but no release date or time was announced. Only Rich, and the website “guy” knew about the release.
Click for full sizeCombination: SS/Timascus/Moon Glow
Price: $250
Date: 01/09/17
Quantity: 10 Clockwise, 10 Anti-Clockwise
Notes: These were released on the Billetspin Facebook page individually due to colour variations. The first person to comment “In” on the individual posts would win the opportunity to buy the top.
Click for full sizeCombination: SS/Anodized Timascus
Price: $475
Date: 01/06/17
Quantity: 5
Notes: These were released via an auction on the Billetspin Facebook page, where the 5 highest bidders all paid the price of the 5th highest bidder. For this combination the inner disk was loose, and free to spin around within the casing, unlike in any future models. The disks were made of anodized Timascus which is not something Billetspin have offered before, so it was a double first.
Not for Sale models
Click for full sizeCombination: SS/Twist Damascus/SS
Price: -
Date: -
Quantity: 1
Notes: This was given to a customer as part of Billetspin's renouned customer service.
Click for full sizeCombination: SS/Razorwire Damascus/SS
Price: -
Date: -
Quantity: 1
Notes: This was a unique combination made for a friend of Rich’s who is a professional poker player. This is why there is a heart, diamond, spade and clover around the edges in place of more holes. This was not available to the public in any form.


In a Facebook post Rich announced that they were in the process of making 4 more combinations for 2017. In that same thread there was a picture with four different materials listed. Now this is just speculation at this point, but given the first on that list is the first in the new wave to be released, it is a reasonable assumption that this list is the next four material options (for the inner disk). They are:

  • Mokume (SOLD)
  • Spiro Damascus (SOLD)
  • Zirconium
  • White Timascus

Again, this is just speculation at this point, but they all sound great! Hopefully there will still be more after these four.