Cami Lewis is a maker who operates out of Maryland in the United States. Like so many makers, she was a fan of spinning tops long before she ever started making one. Her heritage in the maker world is as a full time machinist for a company called Xometry. They specialise in handling the manufacture of goods from start to finish for any size of company.
As a machinist for Xomerty, Cami has cut her teeth on CNC manufacturing and as such has a high regard for the precision of spinning tops. This interest led her to make her first top on a small lathe at home. Though this was not the first spinning top item she made, instead creating some wonderful spin bases. The first of which was designed for the Billetspin K9 base.
As a top maker, Cami has had to work from home, without access to the machines at work. But she can bring her knowledge home with her, and is hoping to expand her operation and get a CNC in house with which to make some more elaborate designs.
At the moment the one woman operation has made some wonderful little lathe tops. However the most noticeable of these was the limited run of “The Edge” this is a tungsten long spinner top. a long spinner is almost the staple diet of most makers, with a lot making one at some point or another. However, Cami has gone in at the deep end, making one relatively early in her promising career. The edge is a 31.6mm (1.24in) tungsten and aluminium long spinner with a sapphire bearing.
Now moving on to her first full release top, the “Time Coil”, Cami is hoping to expand her
operation in the coming years. With a bounty of knowledge in machining, and a passion for tops, there seems to be little in her way to becoming a big name in the spinning top industry. As long as she continues the trend of interesting and engaging designs, we’ll be seeing a lot more from Spin Designs by Cami.
How to buy
Cami currently sells all of her products on her Etsy page, “CamiSpinDesigns”. But the plan is for an Indiegogo campaign for her next top.
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